Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Too much information

My youngest son, Matt, will turn 13 in two weeks.

Yesterday morning he stumbled down the stairs, half awake, and told me, "Last night I dreamt about a naked woman."

It isn't unusual for Matt to share his dreams with me. His drowsy revelations have become a regular morning routine.

This was the first "naked" dream.

I can do this. I have older sons. I know the drill.

"Well, Matt", I responded, "You are almost a teen-ager and this will happen more and more. Your body will start changing too. You are going to grow hair in your "private area" and your skin may change. You will probably start getting some pimples and need to wear deoderant."

Matt stared at me.

"The woman was obese and she was lost from a nudist colony."

Alrighty then. Forget everything else I said...


Blogger Kitty said...

Leave it to Matt to be directing traffic near a nudist colony fat farm! If you keep giving him unsolicited advice before he finishes his sentences, he'll be needed lots of therapy!

Let him be thirteen already, for pete's sake!

kidding - xoxoxox

9:30 PM  
Blogger Kitty said...

needed = needing

I guess I need either:

(1) sleep; or
(2) spelling lessons.


9:31 PM  

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